- A Meta developer app (opens in a new tab)
- A Facebook page (opens in a new tab) that you own or has the developer role to connect your bot to messenger
- A Botpress Cloud account (opens in a new tab) and a Botpress Bot (opens in a new tab)
Setting up the Messenger integration in Botpress
- Go to the Integration Hub (opens in a new tab) in Botpress Cloud (if you don't have the integration installed yet).
- Find and open the Messenger integration then click on the "Install to Bot" button, now go back to your bot settings.
The Messenger integration has the following settings:
- Enabled: Whether Botpress will communicate with Messenger
- Webhook URL: The URL for receiving data in Botpress
- App Id: The id of your Meta App
- App Secret: The secret of your Meta App
- Verify Token: The token used to verify the webhook requests
- Page Id: The id of your Facebook page
- Access Token: The access token used to send messages to the Messenger API
Setting up Messenger
Messenger API version
Botpress can only interact with the version 15.0 or higher of the Messenger API. It is not the default version in the app settings so it must be changed.
- Go to your Meta app start page
- In the left sidebar, expand the Settings menu and select Advanced
- In the Upgrade API version section, select v15.0 or higher as the API version
- Click on Save changes
Add Messenger Product
Messenger is not added by default in your Meta app, so it must be added manually
- In the left sidebar, click on Add Product
- In the Facebook Messenger section click Set Up
App Id and Secret
- In the left sidebar, expand the Settings menu and select Basic. Here you can find the App ID and App Secret
- Click on the Show button in the App Secret text box. Copy the App Id and App Secret to your channel configuration
Verify Token
The verify token is used by Facebook to verify that you are the real owner of the provided webhook
You can generate any random alphanumerical string for this configuration. Paste it in your Verify Token channel configuration
Page Id and Access Token
- In the left sidebar, expand the Messenger menu and select Settings
- In the Access Tokens section, click Add or remove Pages and add your facebook page
- Copy the number under your page name and paste it in your Page Id channel configuration
- Click on Generate token. Copy this token and paste it in the Access Token channel configuration
Save Configuration
Channel configuration is complete, you can now click Save. It is important to save your configuration before configuring the webhook, otherwise Messenger will be unable to validate the Webhook URL.
Webhook Configuration
To receive messages from Messenger, you will need to setup a webhook
- Go to your Meta app.
- In the left sidebar, expand the Messenger menu and select Settings
- In the Webhooks section, click Add Callback URL
- Copy paste the webhook url provided in the channel configuration UI
- Copy paste the verify token you generated earlier
- Click on Verify and save. Make sure your channel configuration was saved before doing this step, otherwise the webhook validation will fail
- Click on Add subscriptions and add
to your webhook
Submit your App for Meta Approval
When your app is in Development Mode, your bot will work for admins, developers, and testers of the app. After your app is approved and made public, it will work for the general public.
Read more about the App Approval process (opens in a new tab)
Send Greeting/Welcome Message
You can create a customized greeting from your Page that will appear in Facebook messages and in the Messenger app when someone begins a conversation with your Page for the first time. Your Page's greeting will appear before any messages are sent.
Read more about the Messenger Greeting/Welcome Message (opens in a new tab)